Typical Day
Learning through play

The overall effectiveness of the early years provision
"Overall the quality of the provision is Good".
Ofsted said
Staff support children's language skills well, including for those children who are learning English as an additional language.
For example, they learn the basic names and written words in the child's home language for the fruit served at snack, and use Makaton to support basic communication.
Parents speak very highly of the staff team. They comment that their children love to attend the setting and the support they receive is excellent, especially when they need extra help, such as with speech or settling in.
Children are inquisitive and motivated to learn.
Further comments from OFSTED
There is a strong key-person system in place and staff know the children extremely well.
Children are happy and very settled at this warm and friendly setting.
Staff are aware of children's individual needs and support their next steps in learning skilfully. They provide a safe and stimulating learning environment for children, which includes activities that capture children's interests.
Children are motivated to explore and investigate. They show high levels of concentration and curiosity.
Staff make sure children who prefer to be outdoors have opportunities to hear stories, read books, make marks and experience mathematical and exploratory concepts, alongside physical play.
Staff help children learn how to share and take turns, such as when they use the timer to decide when it is their turn to use the climbing cube in the outdoor area. Children behave well.
Staff use every opportunity to recognise children's achievements and celebrate learning. For example, they invite parents to share 'wow' moments and activities children have undertaken at home.
They have attended training to support them in recognising the possible signs and symptoms of abuse, and confidently describe the action they would take if they had concerns regarding a colleague's practice.
Staff encourage children to build confidence to manage everyday tasks for themselves. For example, children pour their own drinks and serve themselves food at snack times using tongs. They also learn to manage their own basic care needs such as wiping their noses and washing their hands.
They show kindness towards each other while learning to share resources and cooperate to play a game of hopscotch.
They provide a safe and stimulating learning environment for children, which includes activities that capture children's interests.
Staff support children's language skills well, including for those children who are learning English as an additional language. For example, they learn the basic names and written words in the child's home language for the fruit served at snack, and use Makaton to support basic communication