Typical Day
Learning through play

Our Staff

Nicola Godfrey
NVQ Level 3 Children’s care, learning and development
NCFE Cache level 3 Award for Special Educational Needs Coordinators in Early Years Settings
1:1 Support
Training Includes:
First Aid, Safer Recruitment, Designated Joint Safeguarding Lead, Senco, Prevent, FGM, GDPR, Supporting Staffs Wellbeing in the Early Years Workforce, Food allergy intolerance, Oral health training, Online safety in the early years,
Basic food hygiene
Rachael Jarvie
Office & Company Manager
Training includes:
Generalist Safeguarding, Safer recruitment, Prevent, FGM, GDPR, Supporting Staffs Wellbeing in the Early Years Workforce, Food allergy intolerance,
Online safety in the early years, Oral health,
Basic food hygiene

Naomi Skingsley
Deputy Manager
NVQ Level 3
Training Includes:
First Aid, Prevent, FGM, Oral Health Training,
English as an Additional Language Lead,
Designated Joint Lead Safeguarding
Bryony Potter
NVQ Level 3
Training Includes:
First Aid, Generalist Safeguarding, Prevent, FGM,
Oral Health Training

Jazzmin Alder
Level three diploma for the children and young people's workforce
( early years educator )

Paige Morley
Cache level 2 Diploma for the Early Years Practitioner
Working Towards Level 3
Training Includes:
First Aid, Generalist Safeguarding
Basic Food Hygiene, Prevent, FGM

Sarah Green
Btec Nursery Nurse
Lunchtime staff
Training Includes:
First Aid,
Prevent, FGM,
Oral Health Training