Typical Day
Learning through play

Fees (revised for September 2023)
Morning/afternoon sessions
Under three - £20.00
Over three - £19.00
Lunch club
All children - £4.00
(parents to supply a healthy packed lunch)
All day
Under 3 = £44.00
Over 3 = £42.00
NEF Government fundings
2 year old funding - 15 hours per week, 38 weeks of the year (government qualifying is needed before you can claim this funding)
Funding for 3 year olds - 15 hours per week, 38 weeks of the year
Anything over 15 hours will be invoiced at the beginning of every term. Please note some terms are longer than others therefore cost will vary from term to term.
30 Hours funding - 38 weeks of the year
(government qualifying is needed before you can claim this funding)
Typical Day
All times are approximate
Morning Session
8.30 Self registration and free play inside
8.45 Outside door is opened
Free play inside and outside
9.15 Café opens
10.50 Tidy up time
11.00 Story time
11.15 Singing time
11.30 Morning session ends
Morning children go home and lunch club children arrive
Lunch Club
11.30 Lunch Club
12.00 Lunch Club finishes
Afternoon Session
12.00 Self registration and free play as Lunch club finishes and afternoon children arrive
12.15 Free play outside and inside
1.00 Café opens
2.30 Tidy up time
2.35 Story time
2.45 Singing time
3.00 Afternoon finishes
Uniform is optional. Children do not have to wear uniform but we believe it gives the child a sense of belonging.
Also pre-school activities can get very messy. Children and parents are more likely to feel happier about these
fun times if the clothes the child are wearing are only worn to pre-school. We say that 'when the clothes are to old to wear out they are ideal to wear to pre-school'.
We use 'my clothing.com' and clicking on the link will take you straight through to their website.
If you choose not to send your child in uniform, can we please warn you in advance, that we like the children to participate in a full curriculum and sometimes that means they may get very, very messy but have the most wonderful experiences.
Uniform is not compulsory and therefore we would like to take this time to remind you what it says in our prospectus under the following heading
We provide protective clothing for the children when they play with messy activities and we would also advise that children wear older more serviceable clothing rather than their ‘best’ clothes. We encourage children to gain the skills that help them to be independent and look after themselves. These include taking themselves to the toilet and taking off and putting on outdoor clothes. Clothing that is easy for them to manage will help them to do this."
Please do not hesitate to contact pre-school for any further information.
Session times
Morning session
8.30am - 11.30am
Lunch club
11.30am - 12.00pm
Afternoon session
12.00pm - 3pm
A combination of session and
lunch times can be booked