Typical Day
Learning through play

'To be an Inspirational Learning Organisation which is a model of excellence for
Early Years Care and Education and is open to all'
Our Ethos, Aims and Values
Our Ethos
Our ethos is to provide high quality, safe and inclusive Pre-school that has regard for the themes and commitments of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.
We have a commitment to building positive relationships while working in partnership with parents/carers and working closely with other agencies, for example, OFSTED, EYSENIT (Early Years Special Education Needs Inclusive Teacher), SALT (Speech and Language Team), HEALTH VISITORS, and many more to ensure that the children in our care are receiving the best possible start to life.
Our expectation is that we will provide an enabling and embedded environment, both inside and out, and offer a wide variety of experiences and activities that will help all children to develop their maximum potential during their time with us. In order to help us monitor the success of these experiences and activities, and their part in child development, we observe the children ‘at play’ and use these observations to help us make informed decisions in our planning to cater for the individual needs of the children as we very much view each child as unique.
In order to ensure the children’s learning and development needs are met we plan using the principles of The Early Years Foundation Stage and ensure that all planning is flexible and allows for spontaneity and for the ideas of the children to be explored as theses are paramount in their continued all round development.
It is important to us that parents/carers feel confident they can leave their child in our care, knowing they are safe and well cared for and that they are valued for who they are.
We want to ensure that a strong partnership between home and pre-school is developed and maintained.
We offer a child centred approach where children come first and are encouraged to develop their creativity, individuality and self-confidence.
We will encourage all children to reach their maximum potential.
Every child’s care and education is adapted to their individual needs and interests.
We work with families and other professionals to ensure children get the right support in all areas of their development.
We work hard:
To provide a high quality Pre-school experience, where children are at the centre of everything that happens.
To create a safe, appealing and inspiring Pre-school environment, where children thrive and learn.
To build secure and trusting relationships with children and their families, valuing parents as their children’s first and most important educators.
To celebrate diversity, appreciating and respecting the things that make each child unique.
To continuously strive to improve the Pre-school into the best that it can be.
We aspire to maintain a positive ethos in a happy, caring, stimulating, living in the moment setting, creating lasting memories where adults challenge, support, scaffold and encourage their learning to ensure all children reach their maximum potential.
Through working in partnership with families and the community we value each other as an individual where everyone matters, everyone has a voice and a right to be understood, respected, included and accepted.
We appreciate each other in Little Oak ensuring we have quality engagement and interactions with children, families and staff, where everyone feels valued and respected regardless of religion, beliefs, opinions or race.
Together we recognise, support and celebrate our learner’s achievements and developments in Pre-school, at home and in the community through promoting their curiosity, investigation, discovery and enquiring minds.
Fostering a caring, settled and stable environment where children feel their well-being is at the heart of the Pre-school and adults support their physical and mental health and emotional well-being through being supportive holistically, responsive and caring approaches.
Cherish a sense of relationships by supporting children to understand their values, contributions and kindness in a culturally diverse thriving Pre-school.
Children have freedom to participate in fun experiences, stimulating different play situations and lead planning in their indoors, outdoors and environments, where they are supported in being risk aware, understand risk benefits and engage with quality experience, interaction and play spaces.
In that we continually seek to develop the knowledge, skills and qualifications of our staff team. We are a learning organisation that is at the forefront of improving the quality of our childcare practice, through training and development of our staff and through action research. We set high standards for professional conduct and practice and aim to achieve excellence in all areas.
As a charitable organisation which puts children before profit and aims to be inclusive and sustainable, both environmentally and financially. We seek excellence, honesty and integrity in all aspects of our work.